Go Make Disciples of all Nations!



"What a huge harvest
and how few are the hands.
So pray and ask
the God of the harvest
to send out harvest hands into
the harvest fields!"
...and "follow Me and I will make you fishers of men."


(Luke 10: 2, Matt. 4:19-20, )



God has called us all to participate in making disciples.

We believe that theprinciples of partnership are God’s plan to enable his ministers tohave maximum effectiveness in bringing in the great harvest of thenations. Jesus told us about the power of agreement. Jesus said, “Itell you this: where two of you agree on earth concerning anything youask, My Father in heaven will do it for you!” (Matt. 18:19)

Will you partner with us in this “heavenly vision” to bring the gospel and make disciples of all nations?

We believe that you, as our partner, will explode with power, resourcesand anointing as you partake of the grace, anointing, and full supplythat are your reward for partnering together with us for the gospel.

If you feel that God is leading you to join our team through biblical partnership, we invite your participation in any or all of the following areas:

1. Prayer- Pray for laborers to be released for the harvest and for the salvation of the youth of America and the world.

2. Financial Support-Ask God how much He would have you give to support the work of thisministry and the laborers that God will raise up for the Harvest.

3. Evangelism- Win your friends and family to Jesus Christ.

4. Reaching International Students- Reach international students on your campus or internationals in your community.

5. Start a church or cell group on your university campus or a campus in your city or in your town.

6. Participate in Training and Leadership Conferences-
Attend training and leadership conferences and partner meetings.

7. Give one year to preach the gospel on the campus-After high school or college graduation give one year of your life to preach the gospel on the university campus.

8.Become a Host Family- Host young people who are giving a year to preach on the campus by giving them room and board and spiritual oversight.

Click here to join the team and partner with Weiner Ministries.

peter wagnerf.jpg“Through many, many years Bob Weiner has been one of my heroes of the faith. I am amazed at his giftedness, his energy, his stamina, his vision, and his wisdom. Few people have raised up laborers for the harvest in the quantity and quality that Bob has. I am excited about his strategy to see one million young people entering God’s army full time! This will be a transforming force for our nation!”

--Dr. C. Peter Wagner, Chancellor - Wagner Leadership Institute

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