

"What cannot be achieved in one lifetime will happen
when one lifetime is joined to another."

--Harold Kushner




God has put it on our hearts to ask people to partner with us monthly. We believe that we must use all our time pouring the Word of God into young people and training youth around the world for full time ministry.

Jesus told his disciples, "The harvest is truly plentiful but the laborers are few. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send more laborers into the fields." (Luke 10:2)


Our goal is to release those laborers--a million youth full time--to win the world for Jesus and make disciples of all nations. Through our ministry and the financial investment, service, and prayer of our partners, hundreds of thousands of young people have already been trained for evangelism, church planting, and full-time ministry in over a hundred nations.


For every soul that the Holy Spirit enables us to win, train, disciple and send out into full-time ministry, as our partner, you will share in both an earthly and a heavenly reward!

We would count it a great privilege if you would join us in this incredible spiritual revolution and partner with us on a monthly basis.

Click here to join the team and contribute now.


Yours for the Harvest,





Bob and Rose Weiner



"Many thanks for coming to our Men’s Training Conference. The Lord used you to impart a great blessing to the men, to challenge them for a life

in faith and expectancy to our great God who wants to do more than we can pray and think of. It was great to start with “Grace” and to give a clear vision and direction to the men not to live just for themselves but to pass on the best message of all times. You imparted your heart and passion as well

as practical steps to take like the V.I.P List- thes...


At first, a Word.

Not the kind of Cөз
perceived with auditory sense,
speech crawling, visceral,
through time and space and evidence...



untitled-3.jpg"I have never met any man in the ministry like Bob Weiner. Every message is a missile aimed at the heart of believers and preachers alike. Bob's unique ministry of faith and vision is unparalleled in the Body of Christ. At this year's Global Strategy Conference he ministered powerfully to all our international delegates and our local leaders. I recommend Bob highly."

--Wendell and Gini Smith, Senior Pastor - The City Church - Seattle, WA

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