August, 2007


The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few;
therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out
laborers into His harvest. Luke 10:2

God has given us a strategy to raise up 1 million full time young people to go into the harvest fields to win back the United States and the World for the Lord Jesus Christ.

It's a National Emergency! Ron Luce of Teen Mania recently reported statistics to show that only 4% of today's Christian youth will be in church in the next decade! We are losing America fast. Because 95% of Christians get saved before they are 25 years of age, reaching the youth is crucial. Unless we do something now, in just a few years America will lose its Christian base and slide into complete heathenism.

Not Only That - We Are Losing Tens of Thousands of the Workers for the Harvest. Young people who are graduating from Bible schools, seminaries, and colleges want to go into full time ministry, but can't.

They simply don't have the money to do it. Within a week after graduation most of these young people still have school bills to pay and are faced with the need for an apartment, deposits for utilities, car payments, insurance, clothes, food, etc.

Because of the breakdown of the family, many don't have anyone to help them get started financially. Confronted with these needs, they get a job hoping to quickly get out of debt so they can go into the ministry. Within a year or two they get married, start a family and are now overwhelmed with financial responsibility and never get to their calling.

The Need - Facing the heathen population of Rome, Paul asked these important questions -" How can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? How will anyone go and tell them without being sent?"(Rom.10:13-15)

We are on the Verge of a Great Spiritual Awakening! When things get this bad in our nation's history, God has always sent an awakening. We believe He is about to do it again and that the time for the Harvest for America is here! We need to release the laborers for this harvest now!

We believe that this year is the beginning of the Third Great Awakening that will literally fill stadiums with new believers. However, if we do not have full time workers in place, we will lose this harvest.

We need to be praying for, recruiting, training and releasing young people who will be harvesters for this great ingathering of souls.

We know this is a big vision and impossible except by the grace of God and the cooperation of the whole body of Christ. When Nehemiah was told by God to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem.. in 52 short days he completed the project!

"The wall was finished.It had taken fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard the news and all the surrounding nations saw it, our enemies totally lost their nerve. They knew that God was behind this work." Nehemiah 6:15-16

Go to The Strategy

As we partner together we will see an awesome ingathering of new believers into the kingdom of God and the greatest release of laborers the world has ever seen!

Yours for the Harvest,



"Many thanks for coming to our Men’s Training Conference. The Lord used you to impart a great blessing to the men, to challenge them for a life

in faith and expectancy to our great God who wants to do more than we can pray and think of. It was great to start with “Grace” and to give a clear vision and direction to the men not to live just for themselves but to pass on the best message of all times. You imparted your heart and passion as well

as practical steps to take like the V.I.P List- thes...

Hark the hearld angel sings,
"Glory to the New Born King,
Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners  reconciled!"

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